Pavithra is a Bangalore based Web UI developer. She has been building web applications of various description from the past 6 years. She is a JS framework junkie who has written production applications in Backbone, Ember, Angular and now, React. She likes to participate in welcoming open source communities and is particularly interested in front-end developer tools. She listens to classic rock and loves to watch anime movies.
`s talk: As simple as an AST
Abstract Syntax Trees, AST for short are a very less talked about subject in the world of Javascript. But surprisingly, almost all of the common tooling used by modern front end developers, from linting, minifying, babel-transforming, uglifying, webpacking depend heavily on the AST for reliable and standardised transformations. Learning how to use an AST is much simpler than I imagined. Here's about why ASTs are so ubiquitous and how you can make use of it to enhance your daily workflow.